Our Music Video

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Lets Dance To Joy Division - The Wombats - Lyrics

When hearing the lyrics at first we take it for face value, thinking its about being happy. However when reading them and hearing them again there is a deeper meaning to them and this is my interpretation:

I think the underlying meaning is that people in the world are really naive and oblivious to bad things that are happening on a day to day basis. They choose to be happy because their lives seem alright but elsewhere other peoples lives are not so great. It is saying that they may be happy now but the irony would be that if they ended up in a situation like the other peoples then maybe they would not be so happy and then what would they do. They are also saying that we try to help to make ourselves feel better about it but yet we are not really helping the situation at all. We are ignorant to what is going on because we would prefer to feel happy about our own lives going great than to feel depressed about everyone suffering in the world, although we give the impression that we really do care.