Our Music Video

Monday, July 13, 2009

Lip Synching Practice - Loren and Nisha

As we are doing a music video for our coursework, for research we were all asked to practice lip synching to a song of our choice.

I paired up with Nisha and together we decided to do Justin Timberlake - My Love. Originally we had aimed to do Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana, but the song lyrics were too hard to learn and too difficult to mime therefore we chose something easier.
Although it is a boy sung song we still found it worked effectively when editing it together and it does look convincing. We both felt that the takes where we did not sing, looked the most unrealistic but the bits where we went for it looked the most convincing. 
We did not really stick to rules when it came to filming it which made it more interesting to watch and more like a music video. Despite this i feel that if the camera was a bit more controlled it could of had a better effect rather than just being too wild. Going from long shots to close ups makes watching it less boring and captures the audiences attention more.
We had loads of fun filming it and it was hilarious to watch back because you could hear our dreadful singing over the top of the track. It makes me look forward to making the real thing even more because i can only predict that we will have just as exciting time making it. 
This practice has taught us that for the real thing you have to know your lyrics in order to perform them well and also to be able to sing them to make the video look as real as possible. 
Here is the edited version of our lip synching task: