Our Music Video

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dance Studio

As Nisha and I's video revolves around a dance routine, we decided to hire out The Dance Studio in Winchmore Hill in order to film our dance routine and also our beauty shots.
We did this over the course of two days, shooting for 3 hours each day and this cost us £5 per hour which we felt was reasonable for what we were getting.
The shoot went well and the footage looks good, although in some of our shots we have a problem with lighting but after playing around with the shots, hopefully this issue should be put right. As we had planned what we were going to do, unlike our New York shoot, we were organised and managed to shoot everything we needed to and even have time for more. This was due to us getting down to work straight away and knowing the best use of our time within the studio.
Overall i felt this shoot went well and Nisha and I work as a team very well.