Our Music Video

Monday, December 14, 2009

Evaluation - Question 1 VERNALLIS MUSIC VIDEO

Vernallis says that during the music video, people may move in time to the music and actions may not be completed. When constructing our music video, we tried to emphasise this point by using a dance routine which is in time to the music and had shots of the two girls in New York so they moved in time to the music e.g. walking across the road. Also when we edited it together we cut the shots before the end of lines and before the end of dance routines making it unpredictable and more interesting to watch for the audience, also enforcing Vernallis' point.
The shots of New York are there to build up the theme of New York and to enforce the narrative of the two girls being dancers in New York, however the frames which contain the two girls in them are more important than the shots of the mise-en-scene as it adds to the storyline. Therefore we edited these shots so that they were longer in comparison the the less important shots making the audience notice them more.